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Occupational Health Development in the Army
  1. Lt Col JP Owen, MB ChB MMedSc MFOM RAMC1
  1. 1Army Medical Directorate, Keogh Barracks, Ash Vale, ALDERSHOT. Hants, GU12 5RR


Occupational Health (OH) in the Army is provided as part of an integrated primary healthcare service. When compared to the International Labour Organisation criteria for the provision of OH, it can be seen that the Army provides all of the OH elements expected in a large national organisation. However, there is a need to enhance the clinical element of the service and to provide a focus for implementing OH policy at unit level. The use of qualified OH nurses based at GP group practices and providing a visiting service to units would rectify this balance as this would enable workplace assessments to be carried out on a regular basis, enhance the ability to carry out occupational health assessments and facilitate health surveillance data collection. The result would be the improved delivery of OH services to Army personnel, thus helping to maximise the number of soldiers and officers fit to carry out their military duties.

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