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Health Risk Management Matrix - A Medical Planning Tool
  1. Colonel MCM Bricknell, DM MMedSci FFPHM MRCGP MFOM DRCOG DMCC DFFP PG Cert Med Ed RAMC, Chief Medical Adviser1,* and
  2. GW Moore1
  1. Headquarters Allied Reaction Corps, British Forces Post Office 40 martin{at}


This paper describes the Health Risk Management Matrix. This is a planning tool, developed at the Defence Medical Services Training Centre, to teach students how to develop and write a Medical Force Protection Plan. The tool covers 5 stages: hazard identification, identification of the population at risk, risk assessment, control measures (divided into information training and policy, medical counter-measures, and treatment) and monitoring activities. The paper provides a worked example using malaria as a hazard.

  • force protection
  • risk assessment

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