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Roles for International Military Medical Services in Stability Operations (Reconstruction and Development)
  1. Col MCM Bricknell, DM MedSci FFPH MFOM MRCGP DMCC DRCOG DFFP L/RAMC, Chief Medical Adviser and
  2. RDM Gadd2
  1. 2SO2, Headquarters, Allied Rapid Reaction Corps, British Forces Post Office 40
  1. Headquarters, Allied Rapid Reaction Corps, British Forces Post Officer 40. martin{at}


This is the last in a series of three papers that provide a discussion on the wider roles of military medical forces in stability operations. It examines the framework for civil-military co-operation in humanitarian operations and complex emergencies. It then introduces the non-military components of ‘stability’ operations and examines the military role in reconstruction and development. The paper examines the potential capabilities of military medical services in providing medical support for non-military populations, Village Medical Outreach Programmes and medical infrastructure projects.

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