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Preparing for an Operational Tour as a Medical Officer in Southern
  1. Capt J D Lyon, RAMC, General Practice Trainee1,
  2. Stacey M, Core Medical Trainee2 and
  3. Simpson R, Joint Professor of General Practice3
  1. 1Frimley Park Hospital
  2. 2Chelsea and Westminster Hospital
  3. 3Royal Centre for Defence Medicine
  1. 62 The Spring, Market Lavington, Devizes Wilts SN10 4EB 07866536386 jdlyon80{at}


At the time of writing, Afghanistan is the pre-eminent theatre of operations for UK military forces, which form a lead element in the International Security Assistance Force. Many junior medical officers (MOs) can expect to see service on Operation HERRICK in the south of the country, in support of deployed battlegroup formations. MO’s will often find themselves supporting Company Group formations, either within the Company Aid Post , or on dismounted / vehicle borne operations. This article presents some of the challenges faced by those deployed in such circumstances, and proposes possible strategies to address them.

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