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Detecting Post-Deployment Mental Health Problems in Primary Care
  1. Surg Cdr Rikus H Coetzee, MMedSci MRCPsych Royal Navy, Consultant Psychiatrist1,
  2. RG Simpson, Department of General Practice and Primary Care2 and
  3. N Greenberg, Defence Professor of Mental Health3
  1. 1Department of Community Mental Health, Sunny Walk PP6, HM Naval Base Portsmouth PO1 3LT
  2. 2Royal Centre
  3. 3Defence Medicine, Academic Centre for Defence Mental Health, Weston Education Centre, London
  1. Department of Community Mental Health, Sunny Walk PP6, HM Naval Base Portsmouth PO1 3LT 02392 726256 02392 726622 DCMHPOR-CIVCON3{at}


Post-deployment mental health problems are a source of potential concern for health professionals and politicians in military forces in the world; the UK Armed Forces are no exception. This article examines practical ways in which General Practitioners in Primary Care can enhance their ability to detect post-deployment mental health problems and offers suggestions on immediate management and assessment, based on contemporary evidence and clinical experience.

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