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The Paediatric Transfusion Challenge on Deployed Operations
  1. Surg Cdr Steve Bree, RN, Consultant Paediatric Anaesthetist1,
  2. K Wood, Specialist Registrar in Anaesthesia2,
  3. GR Nordmann, Consultant Paediatric Anaesthetist3 and
  4. J McNicholas, Consultant in Anaesthesia and Intensive Care4
  1. 1MDHU Derriford, Plymouth and Chair Paediatric Anaesthesia and Critical Care Special Interest Group (PACCSIG)
  2. 2James Cook University Hospital, Middlesborough
  3. 3MDHU Derriford and 16 Medical Regiment, Colchester
  4. 4MDHU Portsmouth, Department of Critical Care, Queen Alexandra Hospital, Portsmouth
  1. MDHU Derriford, Plymouth PL6 8DH 01752 439203/4/5 stephen.bree{at}


This paper briefly touches on the problem of dealing with the severely injured child requiring massive transfusion and produces a guide on the management of this based on the current Surgeon General’s Operational Policy Letter. There are no known UK guidelines on massive transfusion in trauma in the paediatric population although many specialist centres have guidance for dealing with cases in theatre during elective surgery. It is hoped that these guidelines will be used by deployed military anaesthetists to aid in their management of these difficult cases, not normally seen in the UK.

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