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Paediatric Trauma Management on Deployment
  1. Lt Col Giles R Nordmann, BSc(Hons) MBChB FRCA RAMC, Consultant Paediatric Anaesthetist1,
  2. JJ McNicholas, Consultant in Critical Care2,
  3. PA Templeton, Consultant Childrens Orthopaedic Surgeon3,,
  4. S Arul, Consultant Paediatric Surgeon4 and
  5. K Woods, Anaesthetic Specialist Registrar5
  1. 1Derriford Hospital, Plymouth and Consultant Anaesthetist, 16 Medical Regiment, Honorary Lecturer in Military Anaesthesia, Royal College of Anaesthetists 01752 439203/4/5 giles.nordmann{at}
  2. 2Queen Alexandra Hospital, Portsmouth
  3. 3Leeds Teaching Hospital NHS Trust and Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon, 212 (Yorkshire) Field Hospital, Senior Clinical Lecturer, Leeds University
  4. 4Birmingham Childrens Hospital, Birmingham
  5. 5James Cook University Hospital, Middlesbrough


There remains a significant paediatric workload through the military hospital in Camp Bastion. In this paper the authors review and discuss particular problems with resuscitation, investigation, anaesthetic and surgical issues in dealing with children suffering from ballistic injuries. Personal experience and recent papers are used for a qualitative analysis of difficult decisions in the management of paediatric ballistic trauma. Key questions are answered in separate paragraphs for each specialty. The information described in this paper should assist any deployed physician deal with paediatric casualties particularly if they are unaccustomed to paediatric patients in their normal practice.

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