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4 Optimisation of shared learning between critical care teams during the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic
  1. Mark O’Brien
  1. Major- Army


Introduction In anticipation of an uplift in critical care acuity due to COVID-19, staffing at JHG (SE) ICU was reconfigured into six discreet teams. At that time, there was no dedicated mechanism for shared learning and development of SOPs to occur in a horizontal fashion across teams. The aim of this project was to develop a tool that would enable the expanding knowledge base of each individual team to be captured, refined and rapidly disseminated to the rest of the department.

Methods A ‘Virtual Whiteboard’ was created consisting of an electronic feedback form accessible via smartphone. Individual team feedback was collated and then reviewed by a designated consultant. Subsequent modification of SOPs was disseminated across all teams via group email.

Results The Virtual White Board proved of particular use in the first few weeks of the new COVID-19 rota. Specific changes which occurred as a consequence of the project included improved efficiency in the use of personal protective equipment, increased clinical support to nursing staff from trainees and the development of new SOPs relating to more timely completion of death certificates.

Conclusions The Virtual Whiteboard contributed to the ability of JHG (SE) Critical Care Unit to adapt rapidly and cohesively in the context of a fast-changing clinical environment.

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