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Introduction Trauma care delivery in England has been transformed by the development of trauma networks, and the designation of trauma centres. A specialist trauma service is a key component of such centres. The aim of this survey was to determine to which extent, and how, the new major trauma centres (MTCs) have been able to implement such services.
Methods Electronic questionnaire survey of MTCs in England.
Results All 22 MTCs submitted responses. Thirteen centres have a dedicated major trauma service or trauma surgery service, and a further four are currently developing such a service. In 7 of these 17 centres, the service is or will be provided by orthopaedic surgeons, in 2 by emergency medicine departments, in another 2 by general or vascular surgeons, and in 6 by a multidisciplinary group of consultants.
Discussion A large proportion of MTCs still do not have a dedicated major trauma service. Furthermore, the models which are emerging differ from other countries. The relative lack of involvement of surgeons in MTC trauma service provision is particularly noteworthy, and a potential concern. The impact of these different models of service delivery is not known, and warrants further study.