Table 2

Syncope occupational recommendations for Role 1 GPs

Syncope classificationSubclassificationApplicabilityDefinitive provoking factorEpisode numberOccupational gradeComment
RecruitsServing PersonalAircrew
Reflex (neurally mediated) syncopeXXXYes1P2 MFDIf a single episode with reversible provoking factor.
In aircrew must be discussed with military MAME before flying status is confirmed37
XNo1P2 MFDMust be 12-month syncope-free prior to P2
XYes or No≥1P7 MND (referral to OM for P8)
XXNo≥1P7 MNDUnfit flying
Non-deployable, pending further review
XYes≥1P2 MFDMust have avoidable triggers and prodromal symptoms
XYes≥1P2 MFDMust have recognised and avoidable triggers which are unrelated to flying
Syncope secondary to orthostatic hypotensionRequiring medication to control syncopeXYes or No≥1P7 MND (referral to OM)
XXYes or No≥1P7 MND (referral to OM)Unfit flying
non-deployable, pending further review
Responsive to conservative measures (PCM, hydration, etc)XYes or No≥1P7 MND (referral to OM)Requires CA/OM approval
XYes or No≥1P2 MFD
XYes or No≥1P2 MFDRequires clearance by CA/ Av Med
Reversible cause (eg, medication cessation)XXXYes or No≥1P2 MFDRequires confirmation of reversal
Unresponsive to therapy,
XYes or NorecurrentP7 MND (referral to OM for P8)
XXYes or NorecurrentP7 MNDUnfit flying
non-deployable, pending further review
Syncope secondary to arrhythmias as the primary causeCongenital abnormalitiesXNANAP7 MND referral to OM for P8)Unless cleared by CA/OM
XXNANAP7 MNDUnfit flying
non-deployable pending further review
Requiring pacemakerXNANAP7 MND (referral to OM for P8)
XXNANAP7 MNDUnfit flying
non-deployable, pending further review
Requiring ICDXNANAP7 MND (referral to OM for P8)
XXNANAP7 MNDUnfit flying
non-deployable, pending further review
Requiring medication to control syncopeXNANAP7 MND (referral to OM for P8)Unless as a bridge to successful ablation
XXNANAP7 MNDUnfit flying
non-deployable, pending further review
Successful ablationXNANAP2 MFDRequires confirmation of success
XXNANAP2 MFDInitial downgrading P7, non-deployable, unfit to fly until confirmation of success and CA review
Syncope secondary to structural diseaseXAny≥1P7 MND (referral to OM for P8)
XXAny≥1P7 MNDUnfit flying
non deployable, pending further review
  • Av Med, Aviation Medicine; CA, Consultant Advisor; ICD, implantable cardioverter defibrillator; MAME, Military Aeromedical Examiner; MFD, medically fully deployable; MND, medically non-depoyable; NA, not applicable; OM, occupational medicine; PCM, physical counterpressure manoeuvre.