Table 1

Questions used in the survey. CBRN Chemical, Biological, Radiological, nuclear

1. What's your native language? Dutch or French
2. What's your gender? Male or female
3. Age in years?
4. What is your educational study level? Bachelor, Junior Master or Senior Master
5. What is the professional level you hope to reach? Emergency physician, physician, dentist, pharmacist, veterinarian
6. What's the highest level of your CBRN training up to now? None, Basic, CBRN school
7. What is the timeframe since your last CBRN training period? Less than 1 year, 1–3 years, 3–7 years, longer than 7 years
8. Do you live within a 20km range of a: nuclear installation or high risk chemical installation (Seveso type)?
9. Do you have any association with EMS or disaster management besides your military career?
10. Have you had any lectures or training in disaster medicine/management?
11. Do you have any knowledge on how to deal with CBRN incidents and/or affected patients?
12. Do you think that your university training should prepare you one way or another to deal with disaster situations? Absolutely, could be useful, useless
13. On a visual scale from 0(null) to 10 (expert) what's your estimation of your knowledge on: nuclear incidents, chemical incidents, biological incidents (eg anthrax), epidemic, very contagious disease (eg swine or bird flu), epidemic very contagious disease with high morbidity/mortality risks (eg Ebola)?
14. On a visual scale from 0 to 10 what's your estimation of your capability to deal with patients of: nuclear incidents, chemical incidents, biological incidents (eg anthrax), epidemic, very contagious disease (eg swine or bird flu), epidemic very contagious disease with high morbidity/mortality risks (eg Ebola)?
15. If you were confronted with the following scenarios during your apprenticeship would you engage yourself to actively participate in patient care (on a visual scale from 0 (not at all) to 10 (absolutely))? Nuclear incidents, chemical incidents, biological incidents (eg anthrax), epidemic, very contagious disease (eg swine or bird flu), epidemic very contagious disease with high morbidity/mortality risks (eg Ebola)?
16. Set of theoretical questions: see table 3