Table 4

Multiple hierarchical binary logistic model predicting anxiety/mood disturbance with laboratory confirmation/no laboratory confirmation (LC/NLC) and admission to hospital as covariates

b (SE)95% CI for OR
(A) Coefficients of the model predicting anxiety/mood disturbance: model 1
Constant−0.021 (0.205)
LC/NLC−1.169* (0.368)0.1510.3110.639
(B) Coefficients of the model predicting anxiety/mood disturbance: model 2
Constant0.033 (0.213)
LC/NLC−1.041* (0.388)0.1650.3530.756
Admitted−0.430+ (0.444)0.2720.6501.552
  • (A) R2=0.092 (Nagelkerke). Model (1) χ2=10.916, p=0.001, *p=0.001.

  • (B) R2=0.100 (Nagelkerke). Model (2) χ2=11.872, p=0.003, *p=0.007,+p=0.332. Block (2) χ2=0.956, p=0.328. Model 1 retained as final model.

  • N=3 standardised residuals >2, no Cook’s distances >1, n=10 leverage >300% of average, no DFbeta >1.