Table 1

Examples of training variables and monitoring equations based on healthy adults

Training variables
LoadThe weight prescribed for a given resistance exercise set
IntensityAn estimation of how many repetitions can be completed until failure, at a given load. High-intensity training involves heavy load relative to an individual’s 1RM, and thus few repetitions until failure. Low-intensity training involves high repetitions at a lighter load relative to 1RM.
Time under tensionThe allocated pace of each phase of the exercise, expressed as three numbers, for example, 3-1-1 (3 s eccentric, 1 s isometric, and 1 s concentric)
Interset recoveryThe recovery time allocated between sets
DurationThe time taken to complete a training session
FrequencyThe number of training sessions completed per calendar week
Monitoring training
Volume load
(constant load)
Number of sets×number of repetitions×prescribed load (kg) (eg, 3×8×65=1560)
Volume load
(progressive load)
(set 1 repetitions×load)+(set 2 repetitions×load)+(set 3 repetitions×load) (eg, (10×55)+(8×65)+(6×75)=1520 kg)
Session intensity
Assuming 1RM is 110 kg
Volume load/total repetitions
(eg, (10×55)+(8×65)+(6×75)/(set 1 repetitions+set 2 repetitions+set 3 repetitions))
(63/110)×5100=57% 1RM
Session densityThe relationship between volume load and session duration. The higher the value, the greater the training density (eg, volume load (kg)/time (min)
1560/45 = 34.7 au
Training monotonyThe variation in training for the week of training completed. A high value indicates little variation between training sessions (eg, mean volume load for the week (kg)/SD of volume load for the week (kg))
790/897 = 0.88 au
  • au, arbitrary unit; 1RM, one repetition maximum.