Table 1

Existing typologies of relevance to CMRels

Ref. to CMRel in CHEAuthorPrimary contextDimensions described
NLuckham4 CMRel and the role of the military in determining domestic policies
  1. Civil power: civil institution and strength (high vs not high).

  2. Military power: military influence and strength (high, medium or low).

  3. Boundaries: between the military and its society (integral, fragmented or permeated).

NFeaver (described in Gurcan)3 CMRel and the degree to which civilian oversight generates actual control of (mostly domestic) military policies
  1. Civilian oversight: intrusive or not intrusive.

  2. Military compliance (‘working or shirking’).

NiByman et al 54 Types of contingency operations, particularly disaster relief and CHE (including the degree of CMRel needed, rather than being a typology of CMRel per se)
  1. Simple or complex (poorly defined, but related to presence of conflict).

  2. Coercive or not coercive.

  3. Mission: aid victims or resolve conflict.

NStaniland55 Different CMRels in Pakistan and India
  1. Domestic political variables (institutionalisation and legitimacy—high vs low).

  2. Threat configuration (external or internal).

YSeybolt17 Efficacy of military intervention in humanitarian crises by purpose of activity
  1. Humanitarian consideration: address privation or violence.

  2. Political considerations: focusing on victims or perpetrators.

YSeybolt17 Efficacy of military intervention in humanitarian crises by type of activity
  1. Help deliver aid.

  2. Protect aid ops.

  3. Save the victims.

  4. Defeat the perpetrators.

YBoland56 CMRel according to mandate for military intervention (moral vs legal), and then by primary purpose of military deployment
  1. Domestic intervention.

  2. Traditional’ military activity overseas (security, peacekeeping)

    1. With Host State consent.

    2. Without Host State consent (Responsibility to Protect, etc).

  3. Humanitarian cooperation/coordination:

    1. Military provision as secondary mission;

    2. Direct integration with humanitarian actors.

YIASC53 Health-related military tasks according to risk of impacting humanitarian principles
  1. Military mission: peacetime, peacekeeping, peace-enforcement or combat.

  2. Type of health action:

    1. Indirect or direct;

    2. Health specific or not;

    3. Security of humanitarian actors;

    4. Risk to humanitarian principles (high, medium or low).

YPenner57 Relative productivity of humanitarian CMRels across a range of conflict/non-conflict/disaster settings
  1. Disaster/postconflict/conflict contexts.

  2. INGO or NGO.

YRietjens et al 58 Mechanisms for CMRel in humanitarian emergencies based on information systems processing theory
  1. Self-contained tasks, slack resources, vertical information systems and lateral relations.

  • CMRels, Civil-Military Relationships; INGO, international non-governmental organisation; NGO, non-governmental organisation.