Table 1

Demographic/anthropometric data,19 20 measurements of pain pressure thresholds (PPT), peak pressure at the back of the head, time-to-pain and the self-assessed severity of the experienced pain (0=no pain, 10=worst pain possible)21. Average (±SD) results are presented separately for the entire tested population, male and female participants.

TotalMaleFemaleP value†
Age (years)33.5 (±8.3)33.0 (±8.3)34.4 (±5.5)0.644
Body mass (kg)81 (±11)85 (±9)76 (±12)0.054
Stature (m)1.760 (±0.085)1.799 (±0.070)1.697 (±0.068)0.001‡
Stature normalised over stretcher length*0.922 (±0.044)0.942 (±0.037)0.889 (±0.036)0.001‡
Body mass index (kg/m2)26.4 (±3.1)26.2 (±2.2)26.5 (±4.2)0.839
Shoulder breadth (m)0.496 (±0.045)0.511 (±0.043)0.471 (±0.067)0.022‡
PPT forehead (kPa)195 (±88)224 (±85)158 (±80)0.061
PPT arm (kPa)*171 (±67)204 (±65)130 (±54)0.006‡
Pressure at occiput (kPa)59 (±17)60 (±16)57 (±19)0.683
Time-to-pain (min)32 (±14)32 (±13)29 (±17)0.630
Pain scale (0–10)2.7 (±1.1)2.5 (±1.1)2.9 (±1.0)0.398
  • *The relative participant stature to stretcher dimensions is presented by dividing stature over stretcher canvas length (ie, 1.91m).

  • †The p values of the independent samples t-tests that were used to assess differences between genders.

  • ‡Statistically significant difference between genders (ie, P<0.05).