Remarks on Indian Enteric Fever

RH Quill - British Medical Journal, 1883 -
THE very great divergence of opinion as to the etiology of enteric fever in India, which exists
among medicalmen practisingthere, warrants ume in thinking that any contribution (be itever …

The Mosquito Theory and the Etiology of Malarial Fevers

RH Quill - British Medical Journal, 1896 -
SIR,-In Dr. Ewart's valuable paper upon the signs of pericardial effusion mention is made of
the occurrence of tubular breathing at the inferior angle of the scapula in certain cases. Dr …

The Prevention Of Enteric Fever

RH Quill - British Medical Journal, 1898 -
4o6 KMIEU ONA] CORRESPONDENCE.[FEB. 5, 1898. if he does not do so, but is foolish
enough to go into residence at a hospital before taking the MB, he will probably have more …

Enteric Fever In India: Its Treatment On The Antiseptic Principle

RH Quill - British Medical Journal, 1898 -
1254 X toua] ENTERI'FEVER IN INDIA.[MAY 14, 18W and use doses preventive or curative,
the larger the lets re-sistant the animals are, he will find: i. That in order to protect a guinea …

The Use of a Combination of Carbolic Acid and Chloroform in Enteric Fever

RH Quill - British Medical Journal, 1894 -
IN the early part of last year there appeared in the BRITISH MEDICAL JOURNAL two vely
interesting communications by Drs. Charteris and Wiglesworth, on the effect of the internal …

Airborne Typhoid

RH Quill - British Medical Journal, 1902 -
AT the late meeting of our Association, Dr., Leigh Canney read a very interesting paper on
the Etiology of Typhoid Fever, in which, while strenuously supporting the proposition that …

The Etiology of Cholera

RH Quill - British Medical Journal, 1897 -
50o TEz BiiTxSuO1 J0 M [MICAX JOItALx I CORRESPONDENCE.[JAN. 2, 1897. comes in.
Does he assert that the daily pouring into the body of 6 or 8 grains of uric acid in foods and …

The Bilberry In Typhoid Fever

RH Quill - British Medical Journal, 1903 -
In the case above related" there was no dilatation of the pupil. Why? Because the
accumulation ofCO2 was not allowed to reach that degree of C02 poisoning associated with …

Hepatic Phlebotomy

RH Quill - British Medical Journal, 1887 -
THE PREVAILING EPIDEMIC OF DIARRHCEA. SiR,-In response to the suggestion of Dr.
Kerr, in the JOURNAL Of February 12th, I hasten to offer my small contribuLtion towards the …

Diet in Typhoid Fever

RH Quill - British Medical Journal, 1897 -
It will, perhaps, now have become plain to the reader that" HGT" has not called our attention
to any unconsidered point. His contention that the agglomerating power of the blood is not …