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Prevalence of common mental health disorders in military veterans: using primary healthcare data
Understanding the musculoskeletal injury risk of women in combat: the effect of infantry training and sex on musculoskeletal injury incidence during British Army basic training
Effectiveness of treatments for symptoms of post-trauma related guilt, shame and anger in military and civilian populations: a systematic review
Transferable military medical lessons from the Russo-Ukraine war
Use of symptom-guided physical activity and exercise rehabilitation for COVID-19 and other postviral conditions
Integrating women into combat roles: comparing the UK Armed Forces and Israeli Defense Forces to understand where lessons can be learnt
Red cell haemolysis secondary to intraosseous (IO) blood transfusion in adult patients with major trauma: a systematic review
Allocation of funding into blast injury-related research and blast traumatic brain injury between 2000 and 2019: analysis of global investments from public and philanthropic funders
Core stabilisation exercises reduce chronic low back pain in Air Force fighter pilots: a randomised controlled trial
Addressing moral injury in the military
Comparing negative health indicators in male and female veterans with the Canadian general population
Alcohol screening and brief intervention among military service members and veterans: rural-urban disparities
Sex differences in response to exercise heat stress in the context of the military environment
Efficacy of mirror therapy and virtual reality therapy in alleviating phantom limb pain: a meta-analysis and systematic review
Childhood adversities in UK treatment-seeking military veterans
Cardiopulmonary exercise testing excludes significant disease in patients recovering from COVID-19
Victorian Institute of Sport Assessment-Achilles thresholds for minimal important change and return to presymptom activity level in active soldiers with mid-portion Achilles tendinopathy
Are young military personnel at a disproportional risk of heat illness?
Understanding medical civil-military relationships within the humanitarian-development-peace 'triple nexus': a typology to enable effective discourse